Misc.Nov 29, 2019

Facebook Culture

Not attempting to bash the company here. But do FBers have an elitist personality or something? I graduated with 2 of my other friends and we all work here in the Bay. They both are at FB (one is a Prod Eng, other is a Data Eng). First couple of months went fine, but now it seems like they always just poke at the fact I work at AWS (SWE) and they'll often make annoying jokes about bananas and the door desks (which might be true in Seattle idk - never been to Seattle, but Bay is a lot cooler!) I genuinely still like them since we grinded through college together (dem memories tho) but it's becoming more and more constant to the point where it's becoming just plain annoying. I want to branch out more but it's harder to meet other new grads here since most of them go to Amazon Seattle (HQ) and they've introduced me to some people from FB (some of which are similar, but some are pretty cool!) I've already told them it's annoying but then they just say they're joking and it makes me look like the bad one by causing a scene.

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Slalom Consulting StankyFeet Nov 29, 2019

So your “friends” are typical tech bros now. That’s Bay Area for you

Facebook 019283746! Nov 29, 2019

HA you work at AWS!

Amazon AWS-Engr OP Nov 29, 2019


SoftBank swe666 Nov 29, 2019

What is wrong with working at AWS?

Amazon getthat$ Nov 29, 2019

grind and get to fb/goog as a swe and shut em up lmao

AYse07 Nov 29, 2019

Naw, not everyone wants to be at those company. Tons of good companies other than Google and Facebook.

Microsoft namastte Nov 30, 2019

Google yes. Facebook? Debatable.

Adobe qGnW61 Nov 29, 2019

Lol go eat a banana and get back to work

AYse07 Nov 29, 2019

Dick measuring contest in the bay. Bay is toxic.

Guidewire jlingling Nov 29, 2019

Omg the trolls. You should be proud. Ignore the tech bro dbs

Facebook ygdbn Nov 29, 2019

Yup, the elitist tech bro attitude at FB. Really don't like that aspect of our culture.

Apple sexybezos🍌 Nov 29, 2019

What single straight male would brag about living in the bay - especially young ones? Lmfao

Amazon econgineer Nov 29, 2019

Make friends outside of the tech world. Everyone is insecure and over compensates. You'll need a break from it.

Facebook easzss Nov 29, 2019

https://www.timeshighereducation.com/student/news/which-colleges-do-facebook-google-and-other-top-employers-recruit People come from great backgrounds as you can see from the above, but they are generally humble. I have lots of friends at Amazon. I still see it as a top tech company, and you should be proud to work there.

AYse07 Nov 29, 2019

How does this justify OP’s friends?

Facebook easzss Nov 29, 2019

There are exceptions everywhere - just as you might meet an arrogant person on the street. This isn't the norm. Most people are humble at these top tech companies.