Tech IndustryMay 30, 2019

Facebook SWE phone interview, can you use anything for reference?

Anyone have any information on how the Facebook phone round goes. Can I use anything for a reference? I know it’s a 2 problem leetcode type questions. They say no compiler and need to provide test cases. Anyone have any information to share? It’s much appreciated.

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Facebook tyjs57c36 May 30, 2019

It's not allowed. It's pretty obvious to us if you are using external references during the interview .

jobseeker2 OP May 30, 2019

Hmm good to know, I was considering like a simple one page cheat sheet just to try to eliminate some silly mistakes that may occur under pressure, hopefully if I practice a few hours a day from now till then I won’t have to worry as much

Amazon DsAf82 May 30, 2019

If you need a cheat sheet, then an onsite won't go so well. Keep that in mind.

jobseeker2 OP May 30, 2019

Fair enough, that’s kinda what I was thinking anyway, I’m just gonna practice leetcode a few hours a day and see how it goes

BBDO sxYo02 Jun 3, 2019

Good luck, man. Same boat as you. (not SWE position, (Solutions Engineer) but similar interview process)

Uber q1earnings May 30, 2019

Uber lets you look up api documentation

jobseeker2 OP May 31, 2019

Good to know. I’m trying to get more practice in before applying to Uber or google, I wasn’t thinking when I applied for Facebook and they immediately wanted to schedule a call. So I’m just gonna try my best for Facebook and hope to get practice in before I apply to more big names