Misc.Nov 17, 2018

Facebook controversy and the sheep mentality

It is a fact that Facebook called for Definer's services. Definers specialized in applying political campaign tactics to corporate public relations - an approach employed by lots of tech, telecom, and financial firms. The way this fact was communicated, however, implied anti-Semitic overtones, as far-right groups have long preached similar conspiracy theories in which Soros, a Jew, is the hiding figure behind all kinds of different policies, groups, and activities. Now that is what I call "blown out of proportion". It is that narrative that feeds sheep enthusiasm that I see in on Blind. Yes, some people actually believed that a company lead by a jew is launching Anti-semetic campaigns against another jew. That is how bad it is. It is really surprising to me how people here can be easily hyped up by such simple PR tactics. No one even stopped to question why facebook is getting all the heat and is being singled out when Google went totally under the radar with its Google+ scandal. The masses are idiots, that is understandable. But to see that sheep mentality here on Blind among tech workers that I assumed to be on average more skeptical than the common street guy was a surprise. :)

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