Misc.Dec 5, 2018

Facebook internal discussion about reading all users' call log

The following is part of a discussion about giving Facebook's Android app permission to read users' call logs. It is dated 4 February 2015. Michael LeBeau (Facebook product manager): "As you know all the growth team is planning on shipping a permissions update on Android at the end of this month. They are going to include the 'read call log' permission... This is a pretty high-risk thing to do from a PR perspective but it appears that the growth team will charge ahead and do it." https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-46456695

Facebook chief's emails exposed by MPs
Facebook chief's emails exposed by MPs
BBC News
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LinkedIn Dec 5, 2018


Salesforce dhjvduczs Dec 5, 2018

Fuck the Zuck

0hedge Dec 5, 2018

Salesforce is for logging ALL calls, chats, etc.

Salesforce Heimer Dec 5, 2018

^^ which is known by the salesperson using Salesforce

RzFr15 Dec 5, 2018

What’s the big deal? Stop whinging about Facebook and delete your account you pathetic millennial.

//// Dec 5, 2018

Fb app comes preinstalled on some US provider's android mobile phones. Preinstalled apps were not removable initially. There is a lot of companies eager to fsck people beside FB.

RzFr15 Dec 5, 2018

Why buy a phone with preinstalled Facebook? Your comment stinks of illogical arguments

PeerStreet KnqJ7ah Dec 5, 2018


Compass FUPayMe Dec 5, 2018


Microsoft Clusterbbb Dec 5, 2018


Microsoft Jekyll Dec 5, 2018

Deleted Facebook long ago

Dropbox drl/food Dec 5, 2018

Your own damn fault if you give them permission.

Uber nYf6sJ Dec 5, 2018

It's the god damn Android's fault that lets the fking apps know if you deny any permission.

Dropbox drl/food Dec 5, 2018


Amazon BigDarling Dec 5, 2018

To all the people saying just uninstall or just don't give the app permissions, you are missing the point. Even if you do everything right, Facebook will still get the call logs from your friends and relatives. They don't need YOUR call logs. They can reconstruct it from your contact's logs. Did you guys forget basic CS?

Indeed TC1Billi Dec 5, 2018

Man fb is getting 💣’ed on