Tech IndustryAug 27, 2018

Facebook phone interview advice

I have Facebook interview coming up in a week. Till now I've been solving general Leetcode problems mostly easy and medium and very few hard ones. What should I focus on for next 6 days? Should I try to solve more hard problems are continue working on medium/easy? Are Facebook tagged Leetcode problems really important? I believe no system design questions for phone interview. How many coding questions in phone interview do they generally ask? I would really appreciate if someone with FB phone experience can shed some light on last week prep. This is for SWE position with around 6-7 yoe.

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Reserve kKjx67 Aug 27, 2018


Oath Sheva23 Aug 27, 2018

U need to solve 2 questions bug free. Just go through the different algorithms you encountered so far. Speed and quality is key

eBay Shaktimann Aug 27, 2018

Do hards. Got asked 2 recently in phone screen

SAP XHcH84 Aug 27, 2018

Can you share?

eBay Shaktimann Aug 27, 2018

Both werent from Leetcode.

Microsoft UveS32 Aug 27, 2018

why do people troll lol. never seen harder than medium (easier medium) on phone screen. it’s basically just to weed out people they know won’t do well on site. They save real problems for on site

eBay Shaktimann Aug 27, 2018

I got two hards. Not on Leetcode. I had an entire post last week about this. But got to onsite :) I wasnt trolling.

eBay qwertyzx OP Aug 28, 2018

If you cannot tell the exact questions can you tell me what were questions related to? Can you give me link to your post?

mHzf55 Aug 27, 2018

I know that questions are new and are not exist in Leetcode but Do the questions have the same solution concepts that exist in the Leetcode?

Amazon Chaosdonky Aug 28, 2018

No hard problems for phone screen, medium / easy should be enough. For on-site I was asked all leetcode fb tagged questions.

IBM mariajuana Aug 28, 2018

Did you get an offer? If not why do you think you didn't get one.

Amazon Chaosdonky Aug 28, 2018

No offer. They expected to immediately come up with optimal solution, I spent some time talking about approaches though I knew the solution. I didn't know details about designing Rest APIs and didn't do well in design round.

eBay qwertyzx OP Aug 28, 2018

Thanks everyone who replied. Can you tell me if I should directly come up with optimal solution if I know the question or should I give easy solution first and then discuss optimal one?

Amazon Chaosdonky Aug 28, 2018

Optimal solution directly

mHzf55 Aug 28, 2018

Easy solution then optimize it . I believe they hire based on how u approach the solution

Amazon ladygaga Aug 28, 2018

So two questions where we incrementally build the solution in 45 mins?

mHzf55 Aug 28, 2018

You will only implement the optimized solution

eBay qwertyzx OP Aug 29, 2018

Thanks everyone