Tech IndustryNov 23, 2017

Facebook vs Google for new grad

Asking for a friend. Which company is better for fresh grads interested in functional programming, large scale back end infra and potentially machine learning? Any other qualities of the companies that makes them more suitable for fresh grads?

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Microsoft QgVw70 Nov 23, 2017

Google. Facebook is morally bankrupt

Facebook KingVegeta Nov 23, 2017

Why do you say that?

Facebook AelQ02 Nov 24, 2017

Because he didn’t make it through resume screening :(

Intel ScareCrow Nov 23, 2017

Think as an investor.. FB is a fad .. near its demise follow through product.. WhatsApp has international presence but tough to make money.. I think best is over for FB..entropy is taking over

Facebook KingVegeta Nov 23, 2017

^ looks like you're onto something here. Short the crap out of FB stock and become a multi millionaire!!

Intel ScareCrow Nov 26, 2017

Yes .. I do think I am .. I would rather bet on snap rather than FB

Oath BlondeGold Nov 23, 2017

I think this is a stupid question. You can’t just judge based on the company. See the job description of the work you do and whether it’s relevant for long term.

Facebook Kyjdg Nov 23, 2017

Facebook for faster promos

Google defaultee Nov 23, 2017

If those are your interest then Google.

Postmates BVfk17 Nov 23, 2017

If they're interested in functional programming there are a notable amount of projects at FB that leverage OCaml and Haskell, fwiw. Reason is a language built in Ocaml at FB and their spam detection system uses Haxl, which is built on top of Haskell to make quick changes to defend against new types of spam they notice on the platform. No such projects at Google that I know of. ML and back end infra are big priorities at both to the point where it likely doesn't matter which one you go to.

Microsoft $oftie$ Nov 23, 2017

Google first, then go FB for pay increase, then back to Google to retire.

Facebook jbieber2 Nov 23, 2017

FB will grow you faster to E5. you’ll also get more team options that may map to your skills.

Facebook daily Nov 26, 2017

If you think you'll have basically any say on what you work on at Google I pity you.