RelationshipsAug 28, 2018

Family time

24hours seems too little, how do u manage time ? Personal time for self learning/improvement. Time with spouse Family activity/time with children With both of us working there’s very lil’ involvement with children and spouse. Any tips on managing time to have quality time for everyone

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eBay zebos Aug 28, 2018

Deactivate Netflix, FB, Blind. Turn off notifications on Slack, email and other distracting apps. You are welcome

Facebook kintobor Aug 28, 2018

Upgrade to a 32 hour day, or 64 if you can afford it.

Yahoo \ _ / Aug 28, 2018

U won’t. If ur children are young, wait til they are older before thinking about personal time. Cuz u don’t wanna lose that precious moments with them. Ask ur family members to help babysit them and get a night or two out with ur spouse alone. At least couple times a month!

Postmates ..🚪🚓💥.. Aug 28, 2018

Move to Venus, you get 2802 hours per day. You will have enough time for family, Netflix, leetcode, hookers, etc.

Autodesk nahabzk Apr 19, 2020

This is interesting website with all free resources to keep children busy during this pandemic