Tech IndustryFeb 1, 2019

Feedback about Coursera

My wife is planning to take up few courses from Coursera online. Are these courses of any value ?

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JohnMcPop Feb 1, 2019

A few yes, can you specify which ones, would be much easier. Also you work at FB and might have a good TC, tbh you shouldn't be looking for alternatives if price is a pain for you

Facebook fhu4ns5y6 OP Feb 1, 2019

I asked for my wife

JohnMcPop Feb 1, 2019

Well you guys don't share a bank account? Sad relationship tho

Microsoft Larry Pаge Feb 1, 2019

Algorithms part I and II are good, other than that, it depends on topic. I've tried several non-technical courses and quit.

Lending Club Zhe$$$$$$ Feb 1, 2019

Let me ask my wife

Uber yTzY24 Feb 2, 2019

They’re free to audit. Take a few and see if you like them.

Adobe xbid57 Feb 2, 2019

If you define value to be in terms of knowledge gained, I found the following very helpful: Deep Learning specialization Stanford ML course - still the best intro to ML IMO Scala - first two courses by Odersky himself Algorithms - Stanford > Princeton Stanford crypto I Programming Languages from UWash - Don't let the generic title fool you Nand 2 Tetris - Core computer architecture, don't be fooled by title