Tech IndustryApr 17, 2019

Feeling exhausted and can not study or Leetcode anymore?

I just did 3 interviews, I did not receive an offer . I feel Iam exhausted and can not study any more. I studied for few months. Is this normal ? What shall I do to return studying and applying for jobs Strongly with fresh mind like before? Thanks, TC = 0. Mom :) I need the job badly. SWE position.

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FAANG_ OP Apr 17, 2019

I don’t have an offer yet.

ojned f i Apr 17, 2019

Correct grammar is: Even till now. Till now implies that you just got an offer.

FAANG_ OP Apr 17, 2019

Done , thanks

GE kTnh03 Apr 17, 2019

Three interviews is close to nothing. How much do you want to get a job? I did over 100 interviews for my last job, including phone screens. I was turned down by some, some I turned down. Keep at it though you should eventually get some hits.

Facebook CapriSun Apr 17, 2019

And the best you could do was GE? I call BS

GE kTnh03 Apr 17, 2019

Location was very important to me. I got tired of long commutes. And BTW, GE ain't a bad place to work. Decent money and a great commute, and interesting work.

F5 Networks zapzap. Apr 17, 2019

Three interviews is nothing, mom! It will take a lot more. What’s your YoE and what sort of jobs you are looking for?

FAANG_ OP Apr 17, 2019

Less than 3 yoe. General software engineer. In the future I will study ML and be SWE in ML.

F5 Networks zapzap. Apr 17, 2019

It should be pretty easy to get a job. But first get a job and don’t be too selective in interviewing.

Google snkmom Apr 17, 2019

Hey op hang in there. I am a mom of a special needs kid and have gone though similar thing. I was studying for my masters when my kid got the diagnosis. Since then, i paused my studies to focus on my kid. I then came back to finish my masters (summa cum laude - 4.0/4.0) only to apply to companies, many of whom (especially smaller companies) ask about the break (roughly 7-8 years) and talk as if I can't handle any pressure. The amount of pain and stress I went through when my kid got diagnosis is something I can guarantee these VPs never faced in their life. I can vouch that. For context, getting a diagnosis is actually a grieving process. Many couples divorce (75%+ within 2 years of diagnosis in US) because they can't come to terms with the diagnosis. I finally made it, but the battle was hard, not impossible. In at least 2 companies, my tech round went really well, only later to be rescinded - the round with VP or someone higher up always had a question about the break - prodding the recruiter would reveal I got good technical feedback, so it was clearly the leadership worried about my break. In one of them, the recruiter gave a verbal offer before VP meeting (which happened two week later - as he was OOO when I interviewed) and then was rescinded. No kidding. For those VPs who read these posts, just remember, if folks have gone through tough times and still are sitting in front of you for interview, it shows their strength, not weakness. The easier thing is to curl up in bed and cry that the world is unfair, not really come back and face one's problems. (Sorry if I showed lot of anger here - but I feel a few folks in leadership need to get their perspectives right). Keep leet coding and slay your interviews. That's in your hands, so do it well. Go momma! You can do it.

Facebook Probe Apr 17, 2019


Apple parking Apr 17, 2019


Microsoft xVeQ24 Apr 17, 2019

Such a puss*. Come back when you interviewed at 10

Oracle pzd Apr 17, 2019

More like 50. 3 is just stretching before workout.

Exa Corp. gogo1992 Apr 18, 2019

Start slow maybe just 1 question daily