Misc.Feb 7, 2018

Feeling lonely at work

Nearly everybody in my org is from a much older age group and a different cultural background. I get along well with my coworkers but I find it really difficult to make any friendships at work due to the age and culture gap. It's having a large effect on my morale as I find myself increasingly lonely at work. Anybody else experience this? Thoughts?

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Microsoft essus Feb 7, 2018

change team

IBM siv Feb 7, 2018

Yes, I felt the same.

$whfop Feb 7, 2018


CoreLogic NopeScope Feb 7, 2018

Been there. Use it as an opportunity to learn about this older generation’s nuances. It will make you a more effective communicator.

Microsoft kimchijonu Feb 7, 2018

Workplace is not a playground to make friends... try socialize in other ways

Yahoo Cakers Feb 7, 2018

That’s a sad mentality. Some of my best friends came from the workplace.

Microsoft kimchijonu Feb 7, 2018

Not everyone is as lucky as you

Google Anon911 Feb 7, 2018

Find friends outside of immediate team

Facebook PSC-fever Feb 7, 2018

I was there and I could not enjoy work , after all you spend major period of time with team . Change teams !!

LinkedIn super🥔 Feb 7, 2018

I feel the exact same way. I hang out mostly with another team because my team is so culturally different from me. All we really talk about is the weather and weekend plans.

Twitter WqFv02 OP Feb 7, 2018

The base age is 30~ in the field. I'm good at my job but I can't relate to my coworkers and visa versa. Work is where you meet people and I find it's pretty difficult for me to meet anybody my age.

Amazon Hooliganss Feb 7, 2018

Wow that seems old for a company like Twitter

UTzr53 Feb 7, 2018

Yeah it happens unfortunately. Not sure how to overcome. Most times I’ve just stuck it out until the next job came along.