Tech IndustryNov 14, 2018
Apple🅱️ 🅱️ 🅱

Finance vs tech

Given the choice between working at a hedge fund in NYC making $200k/year working 55-60 hours/week, or at a technology company in the valley making $155000/year working 40 hours/week, which would you choose? I have offers from both and I think the work at the tech company is more interesting, but I would also like to try living in NYC.

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Wayfair addA30 Nov 14, 2018

55-60 hours at a hedge fund is not going to be a thing. Try 80.

Twilio FrMg01 Nov 14, 2018

Hardly. Markets are only open 6.5 hours a day

Facebook alt_qq Nov 14, 2018

LOL twilio you realize that the finance industry is all about face time in the office, right? also you don't only work while the markets are open, there's a whole lot more stuff to work on... Bank/Hedge fund jobs are def 70+ hours per week, working weekends too

Microsoft Gambini Nov 14, 2018

Also look at income trajectory

Google m0vefa5t Nov 14, 2018

NYC vs SF tho

PeerStreet Nltz63gr Nov 14, 2018

What’re the two roles and companies? Completely useless poll without that. If you’re comparing working as a quant at renaissance technology vs QA engineer at salesforce it’s pretty clear which one to take. Also how are you not making more than $155k at Apple as an engineer? Don’t new grads start at 160k/170k?

Apple 🅱️ 🅱️ 🅱 OP Nov 14, 2018

Both roles are in software development. New grads at Apple make that much or more if they work overtime.

PeerStreet Nltz63gr Nov 14, 2018

Which companies? If these are new grad roles keep in mind it’s easier going Tech to finance than finance to tech. Also you’re typically treated as a second class citizen in finance, unless you’re a quant and a profit center vs cost center.

Amazon Bananalol Nov 14, 2018

Bro I make 300k working 35 hours a week.

Microsoft pub Nov 14, 2018

You are posing this question to a group of tech company employees!

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Apple 🅱️ 🅱️ 🅱 OP Nov 14, 2018

No, the finance offer is from Point72

Move JUvY31 Nov 14, 2018

Point72 has some of the best hedge talent right ?

Nielsen userperson Nov 14, 2018

Unless you're legit MIT, U of I, CMU level talent, there is no way you'll work a second under 60 h/week. And even at that level you can expect to be at 50 h/week.

Bloomberg iVX372 Nov 14, 2018

Where is the work more interesting? And does the hedge fund have a forced attrition policy? That makes more of a difference to your general stress and happiness level than the hours imo. Also find out the typical day of devs on your team. It seems likely that your hourly rate and general life satisfaction at the hedge fund would be inferior, based solely on reputation. You can find out by getting answers to the above questions.

Jane Street Capital elmJ12 Nov 14, 2018

There is high amount of misrepresentation here about the finance sector in general.

Bloomberg iVX372 Nov 14, 2018

Is there forced attrition at Jane Street? How many hours per week do devs and quants each work on average?