StartupsJan 29, 2018

Fintech opportunities

What are some good opportunities for an investment banker with an interest in programming? Apart from financial modelling. I like developing web apps as a hobby. But can't seem to find a way to use both financial and coding skills.

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Intuit MvRb04 Jan 29, 2018


VHgg42 OP Jan 29, 2018

What kind of job profile though?

Airbnb m6fvd Jan 29, 2018

I'm on the Payments team at Airbnb. My team works on generating financial reports using data pipelines and we work pretty closely with Finance and auditors to make sure the data is accurate. I know it probably sounds pretty boring, but there's actually a lot of technical challenges that I was unaware of before I joined. I think most public companies or companies that are trying to IPO will have a team like this if you're interested.

Microsoft planetariu Jan 29, 2018

do your data pipelines heavily use ML or are they deterministic pipelines?

VHgg42 OP Jan 30, 2018

What is the role of the finance professional here. Compliance? What kind of technical skills are required, can you share?

Amazon 5’6 indian Jan 30, 2018

Have you considered fintech companies like Goldman, Jump, or Citadel?

VHgg42 OP Jan 30, 2018

There are lots of fintech companies. I want to know about job profiles that need both financial acumen and some level of coding skills, other than financial modelling.

Adobe Ozxct356 Jan 30, 2018

Machine learning and AI for trading? Blockchain for payment system?

VHgg42 OP Jan 30, 2018

I checked but those companies want to specialists in AI and blockchain