Tech IndustryJan 22, 2019

Friend looking for an Indian contact in the US - Job search and work status

A friend of mine is looking for Indian workers in the US who can guide him a little wrt work status. He recently graduated from Uni of Missouri in MEng and is looking at applying to operations roles at high growth companies. He worked with Uber and Amazon in India before the masters. Please let me know if you can help.

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Oath seekinghlp Jan 22, 2019

U mean Apache or Cheyenne or Navajo or Lakota ?

Facebook Jan 22, 2019

They are native Americans you ignorant tool.

Facebook lookie OP Jan 22, 2019

I don’t understand @Oath Edit: No. not natives. I’m talking about someone from the south Asian country - India

American Tire Distributors diasapra Sep 21, 2019

DM me. I m hiring at Amazon.