Office LifeDec 5, 2018

Going to join Amazon in a month

I have made a checklist of everything I need to do before going there. Feel free to add to the list - Napkins for the times I will be crying at my desk - Hepatitis shot since I will be crawling through junkies and hobos to get to work - A MAGA hat for the times I feel suicidal so I just put it on and walk in down town Seattle - Hemorrhoid ointment since I’ll be sitting on my ass 12 hours a day - Some books to balance the old wobbly half broken computer desks - Toilet paper - Hand sanitizer to sanitize the used keyboard I’ll get - A man purse? What else? 🤔 Current TC: 160 TC at Amazon 190

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McAfee JohnMcPee Dec 5, 2018

A holster for holding bananas. 🍌 🍌 🍌

Amazon coIsks Dec 5, 2018

Noise cancelling headset so you can pretend you’re not squeezed into an area with 25 people

Amazon SorFillson Dec 5, 2018

A new wallet to hold that fresh 30k

Snapchat +1s Dec 5, 2018

A bottle. You know what it's used for

Microsoft IcM_Alert OP Dec 5, 2018

Unfortunately I don’t. I hope it’s not what I think it’s used for 😨

Starbucks bakedbread Dec 6, 2018

Piss jug bro, get with it

Amazon fuckamazon Dec 5, 2018


Microsoft IcM_Alert OP Dec 5, 2018

I hope they buy me dinner first

Amazon fuckamazon Dec 5, 2018

frugality. you'll get a banana and then their "banana"

Google andone Dec 5, 2018

Empty water bottle.

RingCentral Duck-Bezos Dec 5, 2018

Sleeping bag?

Salesforce dhjvduczs Dec 5, 2018


Microsoft Fake Bugs Dec 6, 2018

lol amzn engineers are probably the most sex deprived group of humans on Earth.

EjDf82 Dec 5, 2018


Microsoft IcM_Alert OP Dec 5, 2018


EjDf82 Dec 5, 2018

No need for hemorrhoid cream then. They typically come after 5 years.

Microsoft Gandalfee Dec 5, 2018

According to the poll about PIP, Blind users responded 1 out of 3 who spent two years or less got PIP. So be prepared for what to do if you happen to belong to the statistic. Considering that, here is additional list: 1. More leetcode 2. Scheduling for the interviews (Google if you didn’t fail recently). 3. Remind recruiters that you may want to start seeking for job in 6 months. No need to inform you are moving to Amazon. 4. Don’t screw up the current job in case you want to come back. 5. Connect with colleagues over LinkedIn

Microsoft IcM_Alert OP Dec 5, 2018

Solid advice. Thanks.