Google Hiring Committee

I'm in the recruitment process at Google and my interviews went good but not great. My recruiter contacted me letting me know my feedback was mixed but overall good. I'm on to the hiring committee and he said he will also reach out to other teams to get the ball rolling. From experience, does anyone know what this means in terms of my chances and what kind of teams I'll be considered for? In my current situation is there anything I can do to improve my chances with the HC and the team selection process? I have sent over a few more internal references as recommended by my recruiter. My recruiter also mentioned that there would be more potential options if I don't limit my location to NYC. Any insight would be greatly appreciated

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Duck Creek czXq Jan 29, 2018

How is working at Bloomberg? What’s their pay like? From here on out to answer your question, it’s a waiting game. I’m supposed to be interviewing for Bloomberg - I already interviewed at Google. Are they similar processes?

Bloomberg sauuce OP Jan 29, 2018

The pay is solid and competitive with Google/FB for the first couple years. After that I've heard you level off. This could be due to the lack of an engineering ladder The process is similar to Google's, without the team selection part. Instead at BB you go though an extensive training program during which you are matched with a team

Duck Creek czXq Jan 29, 2018

Gotcha. Doesn’t sound too bad.

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Microsoft dzpz26 Jan 29, 2018

Is HC approval good for 1 year? I don’t mean to hijack the thread but just asking. Recruiter said she isn’t aware of such policy. I declined Google and accepted FB offer, and wondering if FB doesn’t work out if I can move to Google without reinterviewing..

Microsoft dzpz26 Jan 29, 2018


Nutanix gryffo Jan 29, 2018

I had a friend with a similar scenario. He had mixed reviews but mostly good. So the recruiter felt that having a team back him up will help his chances and so she got him talking to the teams before HC review. As luck might have it, he got a team to back him up and he cleared the HC and now has an offer. Hopefully you can ask for something similar.

Google Dubai$hit Jan 29, 2018

I’d recommend making MTV an option.

Bloomberg sauuce OP Jan 29, 2018

Would that make any difference going into the hiring committee?

Google Dubai$hit Jan 29, 2018

HC considers headcount so most likely.

sqrt of -1 May 22, 2018

What happened sauce