CompensationMay 13, 2019

Google L5 product manager kirkland

10 yr experience and just got a Google offer for l5 product in Kirkland. It is relo for me so I wanted to check on comp numbers. What are your thoughts? Offer Base: $150,000 Bonus: $22,500 GSU: $284,000 TC: $243,500 Relo is handled separately. It feels low to me but recruiter says this is Kirkland market rate...

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Yelp BDkP87 May 13, 2019

Seems low for l5 ...

Microsoft Dunph May 13, 2019

Damn good thing I'm not a pm

Yelp BDkP87 May 13, 2019

I had a L63 offer from Msft and their base was 168 2 years ago ...

yearnle May 13, 2019

Saw an L4 SWE offer today for 270k. L5 PM should be north of 300k.

Rackspace kirlk OP May 31, 2019

Update: I was able to negotiate it up 11%. The issue is that I interviewed on the line for l5/l6 according to recruiter. The problem is at this comp and what I can see in cost of living difference to Kirkland this job would be lateral at best. Does anyone know if/how I would go about getting the level increased to a 6 to make this relo happen?

Microsoft tincans Jul 20, 2019

That is seriously low. I had a very wrong idea that L5 product will be 350+