Tech IndustryJun 2, 2018

Google Onsite - Preperation Help

I have an onsite SDE interview scheduled in 3 weeks with Google. What should I prepare ? I know leetcode is the resource, but I am not sure if I can solve 200+ problems in 3 weeks. I finished about 30 last month. - 2 hard , 5 med and 23 easy. I have 3 years of experience. Current TC : 115k

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2i29sjw Jun 2, 2018

Leetcode premium hard all then medium from google list.

WetBlanket OP Jun 2, 2018

There are 77 hard and 133 medium that are tagged Google. So ~200 in 3 weeks with FT job :-(

2i29sjw Jun 2, 2018

They ask hard and medium only. (1 hard most probably)

Facebook kloaks89 Jun 2, 2018

Why is your recruiter not helping you prep?

WetBlanket OP Jun 2, 2018

Haven't received anything from recruiter yet.

Chase tjPE83 Jun 2, 2018

Recruiter will only send like a standard prep template like skiena, crls, and things like data structures, etc.

Tango Health lyub4y2 Jun 2, 2018

I don't think LC easy will be of much help. Do more Mediums even more than Hards'

WetBlanket OP Jun 2, 2018

Thanks. Will start working on med.

Amazon bananamaan Jun 2, 2018

Reschedule your onsite.

Apple fWzV20 Jun 2, 2018

Leetcode medium should help. Dont worry too much about hard ones. Probably a week before the interview try to go through about 20-25 hard ones that cover a range of topics. Ofcourse if there you feel like 3 weeks is not sufficient, might as well push it out by a week or two.

WetBlanket OP Jun 2, 2018

Do I need to reschedule it now or after a week or two. They will book my travel next week. Will they reschedule after travel and hotel is booked?

Amazon bananamaan Jun 2, 2018

I would reschedule before travel is booked, otherwise you might be causing Google unnecessary cost

Qualcomm TuP Jun 2, 2018

Most people with good CS fundamentals who got in were able to do so in 2-3 weeks studying 3-4 hours. Do as much as you can to refine your thinking and coding process and do not stress. Also from my and my friends onsites there was not even 1 question from leet but a few modified patterns from geekforgeeks

WetBlanket OP Jun 2, 2018

Thanks, was this recent?

Microsoft 1vwg681109 Jun 2, 2018

Agree with some of the folks here. Study the basics like stacks, queues, trees and graphs. Along with some advanced concepts like dynamic, system design. I used cracking the coding interview and it helped more than leetcode, which is good once you have refreshed these topics and are ready to code independently.

Atlassian !Atlassian Aug 9, 2020

So what you got?