Tech IndustryJul 9, 2019

Google and Facebook cool-off periods

I am currently interning with Amazon. I will be completing my Masters in 3 semesters instead of 4, so I really need to interview with other Big 4s for SDE roles. Can I apply to the ones listed as New Grad? And I interviewed with FB last oct and Google this March for SDE intern roles. What is the cool off period for them?

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Oracle not_larry Jul 9, 2019

Oh no, cook off? Did you mean cool off?

OFI Global ZZZ999 Jul 9, 2019

did someone just declare a cook off?

AdRoll sol408 Jul 9, 2019

I’m in !! For the cook off, that is.

Discover Financial Services qwerty-/: Jul 9, 2019

You won’t get calls from FB and Google for new grad roles since you interviewed with them for internship

Verizon woot-woot Jul 9, 2019

There's no cool off for Google if you're trying for FTE for the first time. I got a call from Google for FTE in 3rd sem even though I screwed up my internship interview with them.

Google topCon Jul 9, 2019

Why not work for Amazon?

PayPal v3nm0 Jul 9, 2019

You of all people asking this question my friend? 😂