Tech IndustryFeb 6, 2019

Google consultant interview

I passed a phone screen for a gtech consultant interview. My skills match up nicely with the job description I was sent. I'm worried about the hangouts screening. Are they really going to grill me on algorithms and data types? I dont have a strong CS background, more front-end work (that matches the job desc). Tc: 120k (midwest) Yoe: 10

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Google DWaU03 Feb 6, 2019

No they won't. That is not the skillset they need.

Google cmonsta Feb 6, 2019

Role related knowledge interview should match up with that listed in the job rec.

GE 0&1 Apr 14, 2019

How was your interview? LC medium level?

IBM jnonymous OP Apr 14, 2019

Recruiter has been ghosting me. I wonder if she quit or something.