Misc.Feb 27, 2018

Has anyone programmed a personal assistant? What does it do?

So I've been programming a personal assistant for the past few months. It mostly does time management and personal analytics stuff. I communicate with it over Facebook messenger. Has anyone else programmed a personal assistant? What functionality does it have?

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Microsoft richardhea Feb 27, 2018

No. I can remember when to wipe my ass. When I forget, the smell kicks in. πŸ†

Amazon grind Feb 27, 2018


Pitney Bowes Ξ» OP Feb 27, 2018

Current features of mine: Asks me to write a summary of the day and answer a few yes/no questions (i.e. were you productive, did you eat healthy) every night. Give me an update in the morning with the weather, calendar events, items on my todo list, a summary of the past two weeks based on my responses to the yes/no questions every night Remotely lock my phone, discreetly take pictures from the camera, send me its GPS coordinates, make it make a handful of notification sounds of I can't find it Add items to my to do list (integrates with todoist) and automatically reschedules overdue items Can log my weight, show me graph with my weight over time Logs purchases and transactions, basic budgeting tools. Plans to integrate it with Money Lover's api and with my bank api I communicate with it over Facebook messenger or text message. All data is stored in Google sheets instead of a database

Lenovo qconq Feb 27, 2018

What did you use to write it?

Pitney Bowes Ξ» OP Feb 27, 2018

Backend is in python using flask. Trying to avoid reinventing the wheel, so it utilizes a lot of APIs and libraries and other tools (e.g. IFTTT, Tasker, etc). So the backend basically just passes information back and forth between a bunch of existing pre-made tools