Help to Prioritize Leetcode Prep Questions

Ideal world I would LC for another year before going on market but ball is rolling already. I have Tier 2 offers, moving to Tier 1 interviews in next month or so. I've been mainly working on array, strings, sorting and searching algos. Can do easy and maybe med. Still have linkedlist, trees, graphs, backtracking and dynamic programming to cover. Any recommendations on what to prioritize based on how likely they will appear in interview questions? Targeting FANG companies. Applying anywhere from DS to ML/research engineer positions.

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GE Titans! Sep 25, 2018

Graphs and trees are a must for any ML!! Graphs are so fascinating too

Facebook 👁️‍🗨️ Sep 25, 2018

Trees, graphs and backtracking / recursion are fundamental. DP comes up occasionally, but I think if you just mastered just the classical DP problems (coin change, edit distance, LIS) and make sure your recursion is solid, that should be sufficient. Also, don't even bother interviewing with FB or G until you can do hards within a reasonable time limit.

poRd04 Sep 25, 2018

Facebook, what is reasonable? Is it 20 mins for any new hard problem that I haven't seen? Heard 3 hard in 1 hour is the bar.

LinkedIn robotparts Sep 25, 2018

The Facebook interview round is 45 minutes long.

poRd04 Sep 26, 2018

Is it 3 hards in 45 mins?

JakeTapper Sep 25, 2018

3 hard in an hour. Lol! The only way to realistically solve 3 leetcode hards in an hour is by memorizing every single leetcode problem. I have friends in FB and G, when I ask them a hard question the answer comes in less than a minute. First I thought they are e=mc2 level geniuses. Then they themselves told me that they had seen either the same problem or a close variant before.

Intel awsed Sep 26, 2018

What tier 2 offers do you have?

Pacific Northwest National Lab vaderTC OP Sep 26, 2018

Can't really disclose. But tier 2 are not tech companies and generally pay under $150k TC.

Intel awsed Sep 26, 2018

Was it more domain intensive rather than coding?

demi drunc Sep 26, 2018

Solve all hards (except valid number)

aYLx06 Sep 26, 2018

Why not valid number?