Tech IndustryMar 10, 2019

How do you decide if you are ready for an onsite

What target do you seek to achieve before an on-site in terms of coding and system design prep

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Google FfuA72 Mar 10, 2019

Leetcode mock interview pass medium and pass some hard

|l|l||l|l| Mar 10, 2019

No matter how ready you get there will be more questions or interviewers you can't pass. There is luck involved so it's just a numbers game. Keep trying, reflect on your mistakes and improve, and eventually you'll succeed.

Salesforce amLt76 Mar 10, 2019

^This I know so many people who messed up relatively easy to get companies but got offers from FB or Google or some other harder to get company. Keep rolling the dice!!

Salesforce amLt76 Mar 10, 2019

I interviewed last year and got offers from 4 good non FANG companies in the Bay Area. I felt I was "ready" once I could see a new problem, try to see if I could see a pattern from a previous solved question, and make at least a decent attempt at solving. Don't worry if you're not able to fully solve it. The difference at the interview is that your interviewer will help you and try to get you to the right path(assuming you don't get an a hole). Like the previous comment mentioned, there will always be a question or an interviewer you wouldn't get past. It's all about numbers. I made it to Google on site 3 years ago, but failed in the phone interview last time LOL. Good luck!!

FAANG_ Mar 10, 2019

Can u list names of some good companies non FAANG in bay area or Seattle?

BogoSort Mar 10, 2019

Go for mock on-site (i.e. go for an on-site to a no name company.)

Oracle now@google Mar 10, 2019

Interview at a company you don’t care much about.