Misc.Dec 3, 2019

How do you feel about Larry and Sergey stepping down from Google/Alphabet?

Is this good for Google or Alphabet? Is Sunday the right person to lead both compan[y]?

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Facebook FabB Dec 3, 2019

I think that's the natural progression. They've been gradually stepping down, letting Sundar gradually prove himself while relinquishing day-to-day control. They still have their voting shares and will direct the company, but they don't need to be involved with the day-to-day. If you were a billionaire, wouldn't you like to have some more free time? Plus Sundar gets a promotion, which is good for the company if he's been doing a good job.

Roku squidward🦑 Dec 3, 2019

Elon Musk is a billionaire very much involved with day-to-day operations.

SW daddy Dec 3, 2019

He’s weird tho. And doing <literal> rocket science. Google is ads. It’s done

trsifug ✈️ Dec 3, 2019

Nobody can replace the Larry

Uber inox Dec 3, 2019

No Monday is.

Cerner RMuh72 Dec 3, 2019

Natural step in the Google is Evil transformation that’s been happening. China is stoked.

Airbnb EDwy35 Dec 3, 2019

Rather than putting Sundar on PIP or fire, they decided to give him one more chance as Alphabet CEO, obliviously he was doing nothing at google so Larry and Page thought he can be ceo of both the companies as he is doing no work at google. It’s better decisions for investor.

Facebook llp6 Dec 3, 2019

Google is the new Microsoft.

trfjzq OP Dec 3, 2019

And Microsoft is the old IBM?

Microsoft Dr.Zero Dec 3, 2019

No, Google is the old Microsoft.

🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ Dec 3, 2019

Who is gonna descend on a parachute at Google I/O now?