Women in TechApr 15, 2019

How do you manage work and family?

How do you manage a good balance of performing at work, workout every day, sleep enough hours, and be able to spend time with kids and husband, and still have a social life? If I spend 8-10 hours working, I barely have time for everything else.

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Oracle 6444dd Apr 15, 2019

Not easy. Try to outsource many tasks when you are married and raising kids. Its gotta be very team oriented with your husband.

keeger Apr 15, 2019

+1 If you have the means look for areas to mitigate repeated life duties and stresses (e.g., hiring a maid, yard work, etc.). Also - regularly scheduled babysitter for couples time.

Verizon Media kavsyo OP Apr 15, 2019

This is something we both are trying to avoid. We are also saving money for kids, so outsourcing house chores are something we do not want to do. We want our kids to spend time with the family, having babysitter is something I choose not. Anything else we both can do?

GreedyAlgo Apr 15, 2019

By being single šŸ˜Ž. Try that, it helps a lot. Sorry, on a serious note, by maintaining a routine. Like workout on Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday. Hang out with friends on Friday. Go out on a date on Sunday. Spend time with kids everyday. I also outsourced my work like mowing the lawn, cooking, and cleaning. It's expensive but helps save time.

Verizon Media kavsyo OP Apr 15, 2019

Thanks :-) Are you married? Do you have kids?

GreedyAlgo Apr 15, 2019

No. But someone I am very close with, almost like family, is married with 2 kids and that's the routine he follows. Regarding the outsourcing comment, I outsourced my work few months ago to focus on other priorities. It has worked well for me so far.

Intel baobao1 Apr 15, 2019

Outsource non essential tasks like garden, weekly cleaning, etc And yes schedule with workouts on 3 days. Emphasize on quality over quantity. You also need time to recover.

Apple ~~Ā£$%ā‚¹___ Apr 15, 2019

Outsource, as others have suggested. Speak clearly with spouse about goals and strategies so they know what's required of them. Prioritize well.

Verizon Media kavsyo OP Apr 15, 2019

What made you think my husband and I do not speak? He also does his share of work at home. But there are a few things that suffers, either working out or spending time with kids or spending time with my husband.

Uber Stampy Apr 15, 2019


Microsoft oqBf05 Apr 15, 2019

Not well, always something suffers severely.

Daimler noDoubt Apr 15, 2019

Don't work more than 8 hours a day. Put family first. Get help from friends and family to create more time for other things.

General Motors QEmN10 Apr 15, 2019

Prioritize tasks. Family logistics first then work your work schedule around that. Plan ahead and communicate with your spouse. An important observation good companies should support - happy employees who donā€™t stress out over family life will be more productive in 8 hours then someone doing 10 whose brain is fried all the time. Generally when I mentor young or inexperienced people in this position I find nobody is making them work excess - the stress and schedule is often self induced.

Facebook šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦ā€ Apr 15, 2019

We don't.

Slack hearts Apr 15, 2019

Workout every day is overkill. If you look at many non-American cultures, they work out less and seem to be just as healthy or better. Try following a healthy diet and cut out sugar as much as possible. Happiness is key and be aware that you need to prioritize. The illusion that you can have it all is unrealistic for most humans.