How is Google Nest culture, interviews and future ?

I went through other posts on blind from 2016 and see so many negative comments. But is it the same even now? What's the salary for a new grad? Is nest next in the line to be sold out? I heard the interview process is same as getting into Google.

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Google cXip46 Aug 4, 2017

I worked at Nest for 2 years (was there during Tony and without) and have been at Google / Alphabet for 6+. I can attest that the culture is very different than Google-- it leans much more towards Apple than Google (top down rather than collective). The interview process is separate from Google and does not follow the same process or structure; different tools, different system, everything. If you're interested in a Nest role apply through the Nest site, not through While nest is very different from google and I'm happy to be back at google, I also learned a lot at nest and it was the experience I was looking for. (I got out of it what I wanted).

PayPal cu5dg2 OP Aug 4, 2017

Thanks! Sounds good!