Tech IndustryMay 24, 2019

How many Engineers does Amazon employ?

I know Amazon employs North of 550,000 people worldwide. But how many of them are Software Engineers? And what's the split between AWS and Retail?

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[DELETED]❎ May 24, 2019

Over 70,000?

Cerner MIaU10 OP May 24, 2019

How's it split between retail and aws?

[DELETED]❎ May 24, 2019

From what I've heard about half of them write code and then the other half are PM, Data Analyst, Business intelligence etc.

Amazon THmu30 May 24, 2019

There are around 36k writing code

Amazon DeepObsess May 24, 2019

On any given day, 6% too many

liveundead Nov 19, 2021

2.5 years haven't noticed the comedy right here, i can't believe this crowd