Tech IndustryJul 6, 2018
Software AGlqv4ehul

How much interview prep time 4 Microsoft?

Microsoft recruiter expects me to estimate how much time I need to prepare for the first Skype interview. I’m very green and applying for a position that’s outside my area of expertise, which the recruiter knows and she specifically said they expect me to spend time preparing and let her know how much time I need. So what’s considered normal? Is one month okay? Is it too much? I would ask for a month, but I’m worried it’s too long.. thanks!

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Facebook wxPg83 Jul 6, 2018

I don’t think she cares much. Google and Facebook asked me to do this too, which really annoyed me. Telling someone they will be more successful if they study specific material for their interview is an indication of something pretty broken imo.

Microsoft git_merge Jul 6, 2018

People usually coming from east coast are good at the actual work, but not problem solving.. Asking them to prepare linked lists, binary trees should be OK right?

Amazon Murreewqwc Jul 6, 2018

Make sure you think of some Microsoft products you like or can at least pretend you like enthusiastically. When I interviewed there the recruiter asked me that question and I hesitated for a long time, couldn’t think of anything, and awkwardly said “uh... Microsoft Word” She didn’t even invite me to a technical phone screen. Funniest interview of my career

Intel mamasitta Jul 6, 2018

I said I was excited about Bing and she immediately knew that I was bullshiting.

USI Holding RGIt00 Jul 6, 2018

A month???

Software AG lqv4ehul OP Jul 6, 2018

Well I only have weekends to study and they demand that I study, so.. you know.

Intel hello73 Aug 15, 2018

Is month a lot of time? 🙄 Isn't it obvious to prepare min for 6 weeks?