
How much would a reasonable TC for L6.5 in Amazon

Hi Amazonians, Today i got a great news that i have been selected for an interview with Amazon for Finance role in Seattle for L6.5, i understood L6.5 is something very specific to Finance in Amazon. Now they are asking me about expected TC, and I did my search, but the web shows a very wide range from $100K to $400K, i am worried to cut myself short also i don't want to give them a super high range which may result in losing such a great opportunity before it begins. I am thinking to tell them I am expecting TC of $ 300K, would that be a reasonable? Please help me to get sense of what works and what does not work for this company.

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Uber uKWz22 Sep 23, 2019

Not a thing. Either you’re a L6 or L7

wmpJ17 OP Sep 23, 2019

No per communicated by Amazon recruiter, it is only for finance

Uber uKWz22 Sep 23, 2019

The recruiter is making it up to get you to sign. Getting promoted to L7 TPM is pretty hard. You must complete 2 company wide firsts and get directors to support your promo.

Credit Karma KennethM Sep 23, 2019

L6.5 is specific to Amazon Finance. I know a few. Unfortunately, your TC expectations are way off and you’re looking at low two hundreds.

wmpJ17 OP Sep 23, 2019

Like 240 or 235 seems reasonable to you?

Credit Karma KennethM Sep 23, 2019

Yeah, high end, I think.

Amazon WKKH40 Sep 23, 2019

That is very high end. Median in Seattle should be around 180k

Coca-Cola Pepsico Sep 24, 2019

Try 250 and see how it would work, it shouldn’t be a deal breaker if there budget is low two hundreds

TSYS angwanle Sep 24, 2019

Dumbest question for newbie here.. what does L6.5 stand for?

Amazon WKKH40 Sep 24, 2019

It is an internal amazon level. For finance L4 = Financial Analyst I, L5= Financial Analyst II, L6 = Senior Financial Analyst, L6.5 = Finance Manager, L7 = Sr Manager, Finance, L8 = Finance Director.

TSYS angwanle Sep 24, 2019

Thanks! But Geez a Finance manage can make 250k-300k in Amazon?? What does L8 make?

Sup34 Sep 25, 2019

The maximum for L6 is $150-$160.. I would guess L6.5 will be Lower $200 at the max. How many years of experience? Amazon usually down-levels everyone. I had applied for L6 but was offered L5 eventually.

exJp81 Sep 25, 2019

I have 16 YOE and my current TC is 160 and this is in a much cheaper location than Seattle. Man if what you are saying is true that means Amazon is paying shit and it doesn’t worth my time for the interview

Sup34 Sep 25, 2019

With that experience, they won’t downlevel you. I have seen people with 11 years of work ex downleveled to SFA