Tech IndustryJul 4, 2018

How should I do/practice leetcode to get the best out of it ?

Its been two weeks since I started doing leetcode but the problem is, I've only done 29 easy problems so far, and struggled for the most part. Does this happen to everyone or just me ? When is it safe to proceed to the next level(medium/hard) ? My goal is to make it to one of the top tech companies and I've around four months to prepare. What would you suggest to someone like me ? These are the companies in my first priority list : Google Twitter Apple Tesla IBM Airbnb Facebook Quora Salesforce Linkedin

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Microsoft bfgtgyt Jul 4, 2018

Practice makes a man perfect. There is no alternative to hard work n effort. GTFO blind and start leetcoding.

Microsoft needcoffee Jul 4, 2018

Struggle struggle and struggle some more. Just learn through each problem. You'll start seeing "it" soon.

MNbS62 OP Jul 4, 2018

Is 3/4 months enough to be interview ready ? Also, solving how many problems a day is considered good ?

Microsoft needcoffee Jul 4, 2018

It's not a numbers game as much. It's more in understanding the approach to them. That being said, some questions appear straight from there, so it's good to get as much exposure as possible.

Amazon DIfp68 Jul 4, 2018

Gotta love that we gotta grind LC to increase the size of our di- I mean TC.

IypJ42 Jul 4, 2018

IBM? First priority? Really? And no Amazon Microsoft?

Avegant Cryptozoid Jul 4, 2018

IBM AI research is pretty solid

MNbS62 OP Jul 4, 2018

I am sorry, I am not an experienced one. For what reasons is IBM considered inferior to other bigs like, google, twitter, Microsoft and such ? I am only trying to learn something here.

Oath Cndjcieu81 Jul 4, 2018

First 50 problems are the hardest. The next 50 problems are a little easier but still tough. I am around 175 now and it gets better/easier the more you solve. I started really getting in a rhythm around 130. Keep going. Don't give up!

eBay eeeeebb Jul 4, 2018


Intuit poirot Jul 4, 2018

Just curious, have you started interviewing?

Salesforce beltalowda Jul 4, 2018

I gave up after 30 or so questions and interviewed at Salesforce. They have the easiest coding interview of them all!

MNbS62 OP Jul 4, 2018

Were those all "easy" questions ? Since you mentioned "I gave up after 30", did you give up because they were easy for you or were you struggling with them and decided not to go any further ?

Salesforce beltalowda Jul 5, 2018

They were a mix of easy and medium. Some mediums were easy for me while others were hard. I mainly gave up because it took up too much of my time and I like to do other things in life too.