Tech IndustrySep 9, 2019

How to avoid LinkedIn recruiter mails from startups?

I get contacted by recruiters asking to join startups and promising paper money. I try to reply saying I'm not interested. But lately, I've given up due to the sheer volume of recruiter mails. How can I let people know I'm only interested in big companies (and only those that pay really well) and are a step up from Netflix (money or job role or exciting projects or culture) and avoid the barrage of recruiter emails?

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Intel M๐ŸฉRTHY Sep 9, 2019

When you respond to the LinkedIn message, it costs them more money.

qa771 Sep 9, 2019

LinkedIn has an option where you can leave note to recruiters. Please check LinkedIn career interests section.

Twitch Pcueo23 Sep 9, 2019

How come I never get recruiters reaching out to me? :( feelsbadman

Google Britt Sep 10, 2019

Either ignore or delete your LinkedIn account.