Tech IndustryAug 18, 2019

How to find a job in venture capital as a technical guy?

I am a ML + Finance specialist with fairly rare skills. I think I could generate a lot of value with what I do across multiple businesses, as I currently do at amazon. Think big amplifiers on ROI, growth, etc. and opportunity identification. Someone suggested to me that venture capital might be good for me, suggesting that I could work as some kind of in house consultant. Does anyone know what kind of positions I could look for? Or how to best approach someone in VC to sell my skills?

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Google lGlb76 Aug 18, 2019

Tbh I think VC is not about skills. It’s about connections. If you’ve done something significant at Amazon or know higher ups who have VC connections then use that.

Wayfair sookdis Aug 18, 2019

How’d you get into ML? Do you have a masters in the subject?

Amazon bwhxipa Aug 18, 2019

Completing Andrew Ng course does not make you a ML master. Get in line.