Misc.Aug 8, 2019

I am a misanthrope, I hate everybody

Is someone else like me out there on Blind? How do you deal with it? I hate and despise everyone, most especially ALL people in the workplace. I also have almost no friends since I hate them too (too much subtle jealousies and competition about one’s financial/social/athletic status), and I’m fine that way. It hasn’t affected my work life since I massively fake it on the outside so most people do not notice, but it’s incredibly stressfull on the inside. The only people I don’t detest are my immediate family and my girlfriend, with whom I go along well. TC: 400k, 8yoe

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Amazon ilzt07 Aug 8, 2019

Visit therapist pls

Verizon reallytea Aug 8, 2019

please, seek out a therapist. It's for everyone.

LinkedIn tzeenchy Aug 8, 2019

Read notes from the underground

Salesforce heehee1 Aug 8, 2019

Just curious, do misanthropes hate themselves? Also I’d assume therapy is the solution. I don’t see anything good coming out of hatred. What happens if you get tired of faking or reach a tipping point?

shfeksndb OP Aug 8, 2019

No, I don’t hate myself. It’s not that I think particularly highly or am over obsessed about myself, I just don’t hate myself but I hate everyone else.

Salesforce heehee1 Aug 8, 2019

I think I’m just introverted and rather not talk to a single coworker all day and been faking it for decades, but I do enjoy taking to some people (wife, few friends, some immediate family). So I somewhat understand how you feel, but if you really hate or wish harm on others, it sounds dangerous.

Microsoft sde2bored Aug 8, 2019

When you carry so much hate it actually hurts you more than it hurts anyone else. Speaking from personal experience, Talking to a therapist would help. Good luck friend.

Capital One BillIU Aug 8, 2019

You hate the impersonal communication...you hate anyone who won’t benefit you....but see they are. I

Verisk Analytics pinkfloyd🎸 Aug 8, 2019

Do people generally like you? More importantly do you care if you’re likeable or not? If not then you’re good. Also it’d be nice to get a dog 🐶. They teach you selfless love and empathy.

shfeksndb OP Aug 8, 2019

I don’t think people are enthusiastic about me since they can feel my hidden personality, but it hasn’t affected my work, I keep it professional. I literally don’t give a flying f*** about being liked by people, at all. The way I typically ditch friend relationship is that the alleged friend starts one time talking about TC or their status, and I literally blacklist them after that. They might invite me for a couple more times to dinner or something, to which I either don’t reply or say no, and then they fade away. As long as my girlfriend and family like me, I’m good. I love animals a lot, it’s tough for me to have dogs since I travel a bunch, but my parents have 3 and when I visit them in the countryside I spend a lot of time with them.

Verisk Analytics pinkfloyd🎸 Aug 8, 2019

I hear you. I sort of get why you hate people in general. Not everybody wants to talk about job, TC, status all that jazz outside work and it’s totally fine. You have nothing to worry about in that regard. That said, I do believe there is strength in numbers. Real people, real friendships, real conversations(even with a stranger) can turn one’s life around. I mean family and gf are great things to have but I’d rather not underestimate the power of friendship and interpersonal relationships. Cuz may be you might have some problem with gf/fam at some point and you’d want to talk to someone completely unbiased. I mean you chose to post about it on an anonymous forum about your misanthropy; that counts for something. All I am saying is you don’t have to force it on yourself and try too hard or bother too much about it. Whatever makes you happy.

Facebook qwertyuip Aug 8, 2019

I think it's completely fine the way you are. You have the important people around you and only they will help when difficult times come.

Cisco edchavle Aug 8, 2019

You're fine. You just don't care about the people around you.

Apple tWBu16 Aug 8, 2019

I’m the opposite, I like almost everyone

Snapchat Tonban Aug 8, 2019

really? how old are you? and what gender!