Misc.Jun 11, 2019
Zillow Groupqpwoeirutl

I'm an uncultured/sheltered American...

Should I visit India? Will it help me become more cultured and/or gain some global perspective? How can I become more enlightened about the privilege I live with?

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Red Hat EmGA16 Jun 11, 2019

Travel the world go to developing and underdeveloped countries that should give you some perspective

Amazon madarrr Jun 13, 2019

There're 195 countries in the world.

Google lowprofil Jun 11, 2019

Not if you're a white female. Risk of being sexually assaulted is real.

Apple vcgh Jun 11, 2019


Amazon blindError Jun 11, 2019

Statement is still true without the word "white"

Microsoft cheinebs Jun 11, 2019

According to many Blind folks, India has the best education and US education sucks big time. So it is a no brainer - visit the schools and learn from them.

Amazon blindError Jun 11, 2019

Lol, the average American is WAY better educated than the average Indian. The average Indian in barely even literate.

SolarWinds AnEngineer Jun 11, 2019

It's a numbers game and "average" really doesn't matter. I don't know about India but the top 1% of the most recent graduating engineers in China is more people than all engineering graduates in the US.

TribalScale kCOpZ4HkIi Jun 11, 2019

you don't have to start so big. try volunteering at your local shelters or nearby hospitals. i learned a lot about life and perspective by talking to people who don't have much and listening to their life stories. you'll be so surprised to hear about people who lost their jobs, who left their home countries and even their families to start a new life... everyone has an amazing story and different take on life, you just have to look beyond your immediate surroundings.

eBay ghsoibv Jun 11, 2019

Why India? Why not Middle East or Latin America (Guatemala/HondurasVenezuela etc?)

Microsoft cheinebs Jun 11, 2019

He wants to come home alive.

Oath Atinlay2 Jun 11, 2019

I hear the DR is nice this time of year. Try the mini-bar!

eBay ghsoibv Jun 11, 2019

Hehe.. throw up for a day and die??

Oath Atinlay2 Jun 11, 2019

It’s culture!

Zillow Group Sr. Troll Jun 11, 2019

Awesome troll post, keep the good work