Tech IndustryJun 24, 2019

Inferiority complex in giving interviews

I have been practicing Leetcode for at least 3 months now. Almost 250 questions. Decent thought process at mind. Went 4 onsites. Only cracked Walmart labs. Not happy with it though. Rejected it. Better off here. Every onsite day, I’m getting panicked and screwing up my chances. How to build self confidence ? Any tips would be appreciated. #impostersyndrome #shit

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nmVb35 Jun 24, 2019

You already have a job? Whats the stress with the onsite? Worst case, you dont get the offer. Life doesnt change. You wake up as you did that day.

Yahoo HQiS43 OP Jun 25, 2019

Just that I want to go to a better place. I’m paid mediocre at my current place :(

nmVb35 Jun 25, 2019

I mean i totally get that, im in the same boat. But my advice is to consider from the point of view: i already have a job. If you fail no one really knows about it except you. Its very different than if you were jobless with 3 kids and a spouse or something.

Uber Caramba8 Jun 24, 2019

Apply only for roles you don't want

Yahoo HQiS43 OP Jun 25, 2019

What does that mean? So I don’t get tensed ?

Uber Caramba8 Jun 25, 2019

Yes, you'll perform much more consistently

F5 Networks -> Jun 25, 2019

What were the other companies? Were they FAANG? If yes, you might just need some more experience in interviewing.

Yahoo HQiS43 OP Jun 25, 2019

Yes. The last one was Amazon. All this negative self talk made me panic :-(

Cisco Fzch37z Jun 25, 2019

You’re lucky so many responses without posting.... TC!! ɐᴉpǝdxƎ Jun 25, 2019

Oh yes. We need to follow the tradition

SharmaG Jun 25, 2019

Don't beat yourself up. Show yourself the same kindness that you would show anyone else who is unable to crack a few interviews. If you keep doing this eventually you will get where you'd like to be.

Facebook AttentionI Jun 25, 2019

Not getting affected by nervousness during interviews is a skill that can be learnt. Practice. Do lots of mock interviews.

Crew aXFh35 Jun 25, 2019

Sometimes you win some and sometimes you lose some. Such is life so just keep going or interviewing in your case

eeLf32 Jun 25, 2019

This was (is) me for the last 3 years. I must've bombed at least 10 interviews. Closest I got to getting hired was at Google (went through additional HC review with special request from team-matched director and VP) . So, I know I am not bad (no inferiority complex though). But really wanting a change and inability to accept failure created really stressful interview experience. I finally had to tell myself I don't really give a damn about the job I am interviewing for, to do well. I bet you did well at Walmart Labs because you didn't want it. Repeat to yourself: I don't give a damn whether I get this job or not.

Yahoo HQiS43 OP Jun 25, 2019

True I didn’t really give a damn abt Walmart. Thanks for the kind words. Ll keep my head straight !!

Barclays PLC wynaut Mar 24, 2023

Keep on keeping on