Tech IndustryNov 18, 2019

Interview cheating and how to spot it

I’ve been doing some phone and video screening of candidates. The job is for a contractor, but time and time again I see people cheat even on video conference where I see them type and talk. Once I had a stellar interview and was really happy with what I was hearing. Only to tell the guy we will keep in touch - hang up the phone but the webex video was still on. Lo and behold another guy shows up and starts talking to the guy I was interviewing pointing something on the screen. Then they realize the video is still on and in panic close the session. If not for that mess up - I would have thought I had a good person worth flying out for more in person interviews. From now on - if the person is local - I make him come on site - but that’s not very flexible and I can’t screen people that are remote in this fashion. How do you deal with interview cheating? PS: I tend to resort to my Indian co-workers who claim to have a keen eye for a bullshit.

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Apple jhetfield Nov 18, 2019

Lol. What position are you hiring for?

Apple sane OP Nov 19, 2019

Devops- semi-intelligent drone :)

Red Hat johhniewic Nov 18, 2019

Damn true! Indians have a good eye for spotting interview liars and fake candidates at work. you can give a take home assignment which the person will code onto once they come onsite. Not sure if you can do that at Apple. My current company doesn’t allow take home assignments just for the sheer number of interviews we conduct but I think you can easily spot cheating even in non video interviews 🤔 You could give the candidates benefit of doubt as they still have to clear onsite, all fang are trillion $ companies now, the flying costs are chump change, it’s just the time you need to worry about..

scheme Nov 18, 2019

Observe their body language. Make sure they are maintaining eye contact while speaking.

MassMutual NkOS62 Nov 19, 2019

That feels weird, and aggressive...

Amazon k3jd8g Nov 18, 2019

Interviewers themselves are cheating by asking Leetcode questions and you expect candidates to not cheat? If you think you're smart: 1. Develop your own questions 2. If you ask a Leetcode question, let the candidate also ask you a Leetcode question and you should answer it optimally without cheating, failing it will lead to a 10% dip in your salary. Deal?

Dell (&74?-. Nov 18, 2019


Google cocopufff Nov 18, 2019

Leetcode isn’t that hard. If you need to cheat to get through leetcode interviews, I highly doubt you can learn anything on your own and I don’t think you are qualified for the job.

American Express gandalf$$ Nov 18, 2019

Theres this video on YouTube where a dude gets caught cheating because he’s doing a terrible job lip syncing. It’s hilarious!

T-Mobile heckoworld Nov 19, 2019

It was posted on blind recently

Reliable Software Sugoidesu Nov 19, 2019


Bloomberg j73ou9i Nov 19, 2019

Give original problems that cannot he googled? Use hacker rank which clearly shows when you leave the tab and ask people to tell you if they need to leave the tab and look things up.

American Express gandalf$$ Nov 19, 2019

Someone can easily have two computers

Prudential -asdf- Nov 19, 2019

That's why I spend the first 10 mins of any interview asking candidates questions about a recent project they've worked on. If they can't absolutely ace that, they're a no-go.