Tech IndustryJul 11, 2019

Interviewing: Mobile System Design Resources

I've had two interviews recently (Microsoft and Twitch) where I've been asked to design different mobile system components. Microsoft: "Design a generic chat interface SDK" Twitch: "Design a generic analytics SDK" I feel like these are mostly job specific skills that you either have experience with or you don't, but are there any resources for answering these questions better? For example, I think this is a great resource for backend and front end web developers and I wonder if there might be something someone suggests for Mobile Developers:

Grokking the System Design Interview
Grokking the System Design Interview
Educative: Interactive Courses for Software Developers
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Bloomberg FlightRisk Jul 11, 2019

Mobile system???

Move yes Aug 11, 2020

@Bxey62 Did you find any good resources? Please share.

Samsung GKWc00 Nov 2, 2020

Did you find any good resource?