Misc.Aug 9, 2018

Is Blind popular at your company?

I know Blind is popular at Facebook, Microsoft, Uber and the other big tech companies, but what about the smaller techs and non tech comps?

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HzPy03 Aug 9, 2018


Collective Health czMx10 OP Aug 9, 2018

What company?

Salesforce sZlm46 Aug 9, 2018


Target ueRj64 Aug 9, 2018

I found out about it a week or so ago and then all the sudden almost everyone was using it on our floor.

Microsoft HFfp17 Aug 10, 2018

Word travels fast.

Avvo ImJustMe Aug 9, 2018

Popular for us, mostly lurkers it seems. Seems to have gained quite a bit of popularity when people correctly predicted layoffs after an acquisition.

Comcast keysersözæ Aug 9, 2018

How is Avvo? I know some people that went there around the time you guys moved Seattle offices but weren't lived long it seems. Gotten any better?

Gates Foundation cfCg47 Aug 9, 2018

nope. we don't have a channel because not enough people use blind

Microsoft 5’6 Aug 9, 2018

Hi Bill

Twitter Crv Aug 10, 2018

It's just bill and Melinda that work there anyway

ENUq28 Aug 9, 2018

A few people

yrsS17 Aug 9, 2018

Our board is trying to figure out how it can be used to organize direct actions.

Oath OPnd70 Aug 9, 2018

Yes, it's how we know what's going on

FedEx ewAG07 Aug 9, 2018


Ellation 🐉⚡️ Aug 9, 2018

We only have 11 members here.

Collective Health 1qazxsw Aug 9, 2018


Collective Health czMx10 OP Aug 9, 2018

Hello! I have a feeling it’s going to get a lot more popular at Collective very quickly lol

Collective Health rQOY17 Aug 9, 2018

Ya. I think this week caused a bunch to sign up.