Tech IndustryMay 25, 2019
NewNew B.O

Is Leetcode Premium worth getting?

Is it really worth paying for leetcode premium? If so why?

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MeatCode May 25, 2019

No. You can look up all the company specific questions for free (just use google). I did like 300 questions before I bought it. The site is totally usable without it. Also, buying premium is a distraction from the actually benefit of the site. You get better by doing more questions. Not by buying premium.

Facebook InstagrŠ°m May 25, 2019

No, thereā€™s the free

CBS Interactive t1c May 25, 2019

Totally worth it!

Apple warmwelcum May 25, 2019

You didnā€™t interact with google and ended up paying

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Amazon Zzzamznbye May 26, 2019

Yet you're still at Amazon?

Microsoft mrferriss May 25, 2019

Not worth it.

Expedia leet for $ May 25, 2019

I did free for the first 250 then paid for premium and did a couple hundred more. I think of it as in the same ballpark as video streaming as far as cost but the value I get is much higher.

New B.O OP May 25, 2019

If the 100 premium are much better quality (more similar to real interview questions), would it make sense to move to the premium right from the beginning?

Expedia leet for $ May 25, 2019

My experience was that there was foundational work that needed to be done to improve myself. This could be done with the free content. After that foundation was built, to progress I needed to get access to locked content which could be done at a cost of my time in digging around vs. the small money needed for the subscription. I had not valued the 'frequency' or company tags when deciding but after buying I see them as very valuable features. Also I bought back in November when they had a Black Friday sale. My time horizon is pretty long, I am interested in getting better irrespective of whatever the current FAnGish fads dictate. If you are objective is shorter term then maybe do month by month and get the year if you see several months go by.

IBM xmr! May 25, 2019

Read a book lmao

Amazon Jett Bezos May 25, 2019

not necessary, but I got it for a month before my interviews and didn't regret doing so. it gives you information about questions recently asked at the company and some premium questions. also why not supporting a bit the company that is helping you getting your TC hike

Dell LUHV04 May 25, 2019

Are the recently asked questions worth it ? Meaning - is there a chance of recently asked question showing up in your interview ?

Amazon Jett Bezos May 26, 2019

yes, I got some of recently asked, but it depends on your luck

Microsoft leetworld May 25, 2019

Worth it for me. Now starting at fb

Microsoft 10^100 May 26, 2019

From what level to what level? Yoe? I am thiking of switching.

Microsoft leetworld May 26, 2019

64 to e5. 7yoe

Amazon while(šŸ˜Ŗ)ā˜• May 26, 2019

It DEFINITELY helped with my interview at Amazon. I was able to raise my TC by about $100k/year. I don't remember what I paid, and I don't really care. It was worth it.