JP Morgan Internship Interview

hey blind, I am traveling next week to a couple of JP Morgan’s Super Days to interview for a banking internship. what are some tips and things i should prepare for? can you give me example questions?

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pmblue117 Oct 18, 2019

is this for the Investment Banking Division?

Humana marM53 OP Oct 18, 2019

No, Wealth Management

pmblue117 Oct 18, 2019

I did a superday for their wealth management program in the past. they work primarily with ultra high net worth. since it’s a relationship based business you can expect mostly behavioral questions - show them that you’re comfortable at working with others and comfortable in a sales environment. they asked me to “sell” a piece of artwork in the room. to them, and also gave me a typical brain teaser question. also be comfortable talking about markets at a high level - current macroeconomic environment, your perspective on it, and how you might invest a client portfolio. know a lot of people in JPM private bank so happy to answer what I can

Humana marM53 OP Oct 18, 2019

That is super helpful! How would you advise selling the piece of artwork? I have a background in sales, but nothing like wealth management.

pmblue117 Oct 18, 2019

haha I just gave some BS about where the current art market is, where investor interest has been, how there’s a resurgence in interest in thay particularly style of art, etc. obviously all completely made up since i don’t know a thing about art but just one of those things where they just want to see your “thought process”