Tech IndustryJul 10, 2019

Jane Street trading desk operations?

I applied for a regular new grad SWE role at JS, and the recruiter emailed that they would only interview me for Trading Desk Operations. Does anyone know what this position is like? Is it all QA? How much is the pay compared to reg new grad SWE?

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Susquehanna International Kristaps11 Jul 10, 2019

If it’s anything like trade ops here you’ll be doing automation tasks for traders. Not a bad job if you want to learn more about how trading works but I wouldn’t go for it if your goal is to be a full developer. You should ask the recruiter how often/likely internal transfers are and try to gauge their response.

Amazon QbeT58 Jul 10, 2019

The job involves sitting along side with traders and assisting them with spreadsheets and database queries. It's not a Dev job. They have a one year training period as well. I had the same situation when I applied.

Wayfair lTwE25 Jul 12, 2019

Was the position devops engineer?

Amazon QbeT58 Jul 12, 2019


Google Measurable Jul 10, 2019

ops < eng < trader