Tech IndustryMar 13, 2018

L65 Engineering Manager mapping to FB and Google manager levels.

Comparing and some previuo posts on blind, it seems there is a disconnect between what exactly a L65 EM at Microsoft maps to in Google, Amazon or FB(guessed based on Google and Amazon)? Any insights from recent hires?

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Microsoft Carbona Mar 13, 2018

The website is wrong

Facebook Whutevs Mar 13, 2018

Use the SWE mapping’s which are better: likely E5 manager (which means you would be IC instead of manager since it’s too low) or if you do well E6, which is the first manager level that is terminal

Facebook sunday! Mar 13, 2018

Mostly e5 or m0

Microsoft Time2chang Mar 13, 2018

Know someone who moved to 6 but that is just one sample.

Microsoft 92305 Mar 13, 2018

Amazon - l6, goog - l5

Uber xxvegas Mar 13, 2018

Will be M1 if you pass the interview.

Microsoft BN88 OP Mar 13, 2018
