HR IssuesJun 8, 2019

Leaving Expedia Bellevue - kind of leaves that cash out?

I have heard that all kinds of unused leaves (medical, personal, etc) are forfeited when you leave Expedia - no cashing out, at least for Washington state residents. But want to confirm if anyone knows for sure.

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Oath Atinlay2 Jun 8, 2019

Ask where you “heard” it!

Expedia RslS72 OP Jun 8, 2019

So is it not true?

Oath Atinlay2 Jun 8, 2019

What makes you think it wouldn’t be? If you leave on your own, you forfeit a lot.

Expedia kIOr63 Jun 8, 2019


Expedia Hey!!!! Jun 8, 2019

Yes that is the case. Expedia won’t work on the concept of accrued vacation. It’s use it or loose it..

Expedia JzhS85 Jun 8, 2019

Since most teams don’t record used vacation time, it’s a use it or lose it policy.

Expedia legitly Jun 8, 2019

My understanding as well, once we transitioned to use it or lose it several years ago.....

Microsoft no-sql Jun 9, 2019

That’s weird, hearing such policy for first time

Expedia pancakes🥞 Jun 9, 2019

Yes it's true. Just make sure u use them before you leave.

Microsoft no-sql Jun 9, 2019

Hi , I wanted to get some insight about Expedia. I am 8 years experience and looking for Expedia as my next venture. I am planning to interview for senior, or lead swe role in Expedia. How’s interview process, hiring bar, salary, tech stack, bonus, Rsu,growth in Expedia. Choosing Expedia as it has significant presence in Bellevue (as hq is here) and I like Expedia travel experience.

Expedia JzhS85 Jun 9, 2019

Expedia is moving to Seattle later this year. Won’t have a presence in Bellevue anymore

Microsoft no-sql Jun 9, 2019

How’s commute to Seattle from Bellevue. Do we have to use public transport?