Tech IndustryAug 31, 2018

Leetcode study time until job offer

Short version: I'd like to know how long you studied on leetcode before you got offer. 1 month, 6 months, 1 year, etc. And how much of that was the premium subscription. 1 month, 4 months, 1 year, etc. I'll start: 0 months of free leetcode 0 months of premium leetcode No offers so infinite time on leetcode before offer Long version: I'm planning on applying to Fang in a month. Probably fail it. And then do it again in a year. If I do 1 year leetcode premium and I get the job in a month, I don't care, that's well worth it. But if I don't get the job in a month and next interview is in 13 months, the subscription will end when I most need it. So then I will need to do an extra month subscription. Not a huge deal, but I'd like to optimize my costs/usage. And I'm curious how slow I am compared to you superstars. No TC required!

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Painkiller Aug 31, 2018

Build a real program. Just doing problems and only seeking to enslave yourself makes you a terrible pile of human waste.

Microsoft zas Aug 31, 2018

well it’s already everywhere

oQfU54 Aug 31, 2018

Leetcode premium price is only $160/year! This is less than 2 hours work in FAANG. This investment is worth it.

sdblind OP Aug 31, 2018

True but not at fang yet and the bills are real. But yes, it's a no brainer with guaranteed fang salary.

oQfU54 Aug 31, 2018

Buy month account for now and then 1 year if you fail

Cisco hounu Aug 31, 2018

Buy month! If you buy for year you keep procrastinating!

reilly_r Aug 31, 2018

Start with a book, e.g. Cracking the Coding Interview and then move on to LeetCode once you mastered the basics! Also, don‘t solve the problems all in their IDE. Do it on paper and whiteboard. You‘ll develop a better and more thoughtful process of solving more complex problems!

sdblind OP Aug 31, 2018

Excellent advise!

Gusto ° Aug 31, 2018

Cracking the Coding interview is more than just the basics

Microsoft BamI53 Aug 31, 2018

It’s not only about Leetcode, it’s about the total time you have spent in CS.

sdblind OP Aug 31, 2018

15 yoe solving problems and building things. 0 years using most of the tricks I see on leetcode.

Microsoft 5’7 Indian Aug 31, 2018

3 weeks

Microsoft pithy Aug 31, 2018

I studied for a month and got offers from Amazon, Apple, Microsoft and a bunch or unicorns

Microsoft rrrssafgj Aug 31, 2018

for these you probably can crack them without leetcoding

Nordstrom dyel Aug 31, 2018

I used interviewbit instead of leetcode. It's free & I like the UI and code editor better. Has multiple solutions to every question which is helpful for reviewing. Used it seriously for a about a month averaged maybe 1 hr per day.

Facebook cGuM13 Aug 31, 2018

Start with interviewbit for a breadth first experience, and it is gamified (streaks) if that is something that helps you. Then spend a month or two on LC free and start applying. IMHO LC for a year is too much, you’ll lose momentum. Once you get to onsites, you can use premium for a couple of months. Good luck!

sdblind OP Aug 31, 2018

Why do on-sites take a couple of months?

oQfU54 Aug 31, 2018

I don’t like lectures on Interviewbit, but problems are fine.