Tech IndustryOct 21, 2019

LinkedIn - Why No one talks about it 🤫

Everyone here talks about FAANG, Msft, Uber, AirBnb. Just wondering why there is no talk about LinkedIn. Given how close their product is to Facebook, but with more growth and earning potential (job search, Premium, ads), why do people overlook this company? Is the compensation not at par with FAANG or is it something else?

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Okta doll$h Oct 21, 2019

LinkedIn pay and benefits are pretty incredible. Also way less effed than FB or Amazon for sure!

Citrix Systems ಅವನೌನ ಹಡಾ Oct 21, 2019

LinkedIn work sucks is what I have heard

LinkedIn sijsn Oct 21, 2019

And Citrix work rocks right

Citrix Systems ಅವನೌನ ಹಡಾ Oct 21, 2019

Not at citrix anymore !! Don’t get burned. I am just quoting what I have heard

Google UUID123 Oct 21, 2019

There is no work life balance there. No work only life.

LinkedIn haterlands Oct 21, 2019


Amazon iSteveJobs Oct 21, 2019

For google good wlb means sitting idle at home.

Netflix the.oa Oct 21, 2019

I heard it described at a hotel for devs. Nobody has anything to do but eat food and go to the gym and just loaf around and look busy.

Amazon xdjvrts Oct 21, 2019

🤫 Now there will be layoffs, because you let them know they could do it with half the people.

Netflix the.oa Oct 21, 2019

Those lazy weasels had it coming. 😬

Microsoft [hive] Oct 21, 2019

Good place to work but it has no prestige beyond tech. No one knows cares about LinkedIn other than a month or two before they are looking for a job change. Also they don't market anything fancy they are doing to improve the perception of the company either. It just looks like a sparingly used website to most people.

LinkedIn ckdks Oct 21, 2019

If prestige outside tech matters, I tell people I work for Microsoft, which is not false.

Okta doll$h Oct 21, 2019

As if a supermodel is gonna date me if I tell them I work for G!

Citadel BrutеForce Oct 21, 2019

Solid company. With doing essentially same as fb it has way better image.

LinkedIn 2PacAlive Oct 21, 2019

pay and wlb is fine, but parking is horrible

LinkedIn boppob Oct 21, 2019

😂 come before 11!

Apple ghdgb Oct 22, 2019


IEEE AmInuts Oct 22, 2019

Cant comment on LI from an employee perspective. But from a job seeker perspective, they are certainly the best people I have encountered. Very responsive recruiter, very respectful interviewers and a process that is not meant to demean the applicant. From a product perspective, I leave it to the current employees to comment on the "fancy" aspect. They have many B2B products and most B2B products are not really fancy or not something you might have even heard of outside the circle. Starmine anyone?

Microsoft O:£81? Oct 22, 2019

Is TC not comparable to FAANG because of lack of refreshers?

LinkedIn Humphrey G Oct 22, 2019

TC more than FAANG for top performers.

Microsoft O:£81? Oct 22, 2019

Is it 10%?