Tech IndustryApr 11, 2019

Looking for Referral at Walmart

Hello, Can anyone help me with a referral at Walmart for a SWE position. I am more than happy to share my resume. Thank you!

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wgAJ62 Apr 11, 2019

Walmart? Why? Why not ask for FAANG???

Indeed dxsiChk Apr 11, 2019

You don’t need a referral. Just walk into a Walmart and ask for a job. There are plenty of them in every Walmart store 🤷🏻‍♂️

eODv50 Apr 11, 2019

Ur a fucking idiot

cdPp78 Apr 11, 2019

Is Walmart really that bad? Heard the pay wasn't bad at all. What are the main factors that make it bad? devnul1 Apr 11, 2019

Certainly pay isn't bad with good WLB. Quality of work varies from team to team. Feel free to DM. s2a7 Apr 11, 2019

@OP, DM me your resume if you are still looking. Pay is good, in fact very good. Not as good as FNG but way better than Amazon. Wlb is very good and there are lots of good engineering talent. Check out LinkedIn for more details of current and past WalmartLabs employees, that should answer most of your questions.

jmdv__ OP Apr 11, 2019

DM’ed you.

wgAJ62 Apr 12, 2019

@s2a7 glad to see u r helping the OP but let’s not exaggerate. Walmart DOES NOT pay better than Amazon. You need to step away from the Walton family koolaid bowl... in terms of engineering talent, there maybe some pockets of excellence but hardly the norm. Amazon is a tier 1 company with abundance of talented and super smart folks. So yeah, don’t get it twisted.