Misc.Oct 11, 2019

Low caliber of managers at Cisco

Got fed up with the low caliber , politics and ineptitude of Indian managers at Cisco. Almost all of them were Indians and they all either knew each other or tried to outsmart each other. Nobody was strong technically. Moved to IBM , see the same story. What is it with these low quality Indian managers at these places. When I say managers I mean directors , vp , distinguished engineer the whole lot . How do these parasites thrive at such places.

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Microsoft AFuX02 Oct 11, 2019

Politics and low bar for managers. It's not a surprise considering all these companies are only going down. Get a job at a FAAANG type company to have better chances.

F5 Networks RRA Oct 11, 2019

But doesn't Juniper have this problem as well? (F5 is getting worse in this regard.)

Adobe kwtY50 Oct 11, 2019

Same low bar exists at Adobe.

Intel palladio36 Oct 11, 2019

Being an Indian, I would say, Indian managers suck up to their bosses big time. Indians should never be made managers cuz they dont know how to handle it barring a very very few. I had an offer with apple - every person interviewed me was Indian. And The second with Intel where there were 1 or 2 Indians. My manager is a white phd. I chose manager over TC. It has worked out well for me. Next time, if u interview with only Indians, just run!

Microsoft __Ranveer Oct 11, 2019

serious white man inferiority complex detected

Intel palladio36 Oct 11, 2019

nevermind. you will come out of your shell one day ..i..

Malwarebytes skfd17q Oct 11, 2019

If ur seeing this problem in all the companies and at all the levels then there is only one possibility - you are smoking something wrong! Try gardening 😀 I have worked with lots of folks from India and China and many of them are darn brilliant. Politics is everywhere - learn the skills to get what you want by influencing.

Juniper AiBeEm OP Oct 11, 2019

No , I am not. I have interned in the mid west , worked full time at Denver , never had a problem , moved to the Bay area and got stuck with inept Indian managers. Also I didn't say anything about China ?

Malwarebytes A7$twh@%54 Oct 11, 2019

It’s in your comment “Bay Area”, you will find vibrant thriving tech community here. You will probably meet many people smarter than you think you are, I am not trying to be mean but that’s the fact! And China was my subtle way of hinting you to be slightly more compassionate towards folks from different countries 😀

Splunk phzoran Oct 11, 2019

Say something new, this is so passé. Definitely need a class is in diversity. It is ok to meet different people who are smarter than you.

Juniper AiBeEm OP Oct 14, 2019

This may be passé but is true. I can voice my observations , if you don't like it don't read it.

Google pOhF17 Feb 14, 2020

I dont think the problem is with just Indian managers. Overall the bar in silicon valley is declining. And the fact that most high tech immigrants are Indians, you are going to see a lot more bad Indian managers. FYI I am Indian, and have worked with good as well as bad managers, some Indian and some not.