
ML engineering study group

I want to apply for ML engineering roles in another 4-6 months, and am looking for someone to study together with (remote is fine). It just helps me stay focused, discuss any questions, exchange study material, and discuss interview questions. I have a strong background in data analytics and decent background in data science. I want to focus on kaggle case studies, deep learning, data structures and algorithms over the next few months. Anyone willing to do that together with me? Anyone willing to mentor is also greatly appreciated.

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Amazon Oombha Aug 16, 2018


Facebook Km3lfdx Aug 16, 2018


Northrop Grumman 6'5Merican Aug 16, 2018

I've heard course is really good. I've been teaching myself from skiena and elements of programming interviews recently as well. Is that the stuff you had in mind?

Hgy096f OP Aug 16, 2018

Yes, is something I will be doing. I am also looking at a few udemy courses and deep learning nanodegree on Udacity. I also like mit courses on stats and ml. For coding, ctci. And kaggle case studies should also help in programming. How's skiena (Steven skiena from Stony Brook?)and ements of programming interview?