Tech IndustryJul 8, 2018
NewDr Stra

ML/Data Science

Folks who spent time learning the ML/DS stuff. Did it help you to find better or more interesting jobs/increase TC ? Wanted to hear success stories

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Microsoft abby609 Jul 8, 2018


Proofpoint foodtruckj Jul 8, 2018

You won't succeed in ML/DS if you do it for the money. The highest paid DS/ML folkes love the math and are so passionate about their work that they won't shut up about it when you meet them socially. Others are just doing it becuase it was hot skill and huge pay jump available for it 5 years ago.

Microsoft JDwb49 Jul 9, 2018

I never shut up about fundamental ML. I suspect that managers think that I would be happy even if they pay me peanuts.