Tech IndustryOct 12, 2019

Microsoft System Design (1 week to prepare)

Judging from a few posts on Blind, the Microsoft new grad onsite has system design interviews. I have never designed a large scale application in my life. What actually goes on in a Microsoft system design interview. Is it oop principles, “design tiny url,” talk about stuff modularity or scaling? How would someone like me whose never done serious front end or back end development prepare in a week? I have heard of grokking the system design interview, but I don’t know if it is overkill or a good place to start.

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Cloudy ⛅️ Oct 12, 2019

They actually don’t expect you to know system design but there is a github page which some basic things you should know.

Cloudy ⛅️ Oct 12, 2019

Source: I did an onsite recently

Sphera sniffles Oct 12, 2019

So you just had 4 coding questions?

Google The Old Nite Oct 12, 2019

Make sure your CS fundamentals are solid. I went in with 0 preparation as a new grad and my questions were "How would you build an API for accessing/modifying contacts on a low spec phone" and "Design a service like Whatsapp + how would you scale if there's too much data for one machine". Using basic CS knowledge I picked my brain there and came up woth half decent answers and interviewers were impressed.

State Farm sweeeeee Oct 12, 2019

Nice username. RuneScape reference?

T-Mobile Friday due Oct 12, 2019

You were setup for success...