RelationshipsJun 30, 2019

Missing my folks

I am a woman, I have been away from my parents since 4 years and I am their only child. I visit them once a year. I am very attached to my family. Lately I have been missing my folks a lot. I just wish I could spend some long quality time with them. I keep worrying about them..especially about their health (they both have been diagnosed Cholesterol problem but are taking meds and proper care). They are around 55. I cannot visit them soon because of visa issues, and cannot call them over as I recently got married and don’t think it’s fair on my husband to call them this soon to live with us for a while. I have started worrying about them a lot lately and keep getting emotional. What can I do?💔

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Google 🦄🏴‍☠️ Jun 30, 2019

Well this is horrible advice, lmao

Microsoft Dr. Root Jun 30, 2019

This is a great way to get divorced

Oath Atinlay2 Jun 30, 2019

This will only get worse for you, I’d resolve your visa issues. If they are able to come here, you should consider that. Your husband will have to understand if he is at all supportive. The fact that you’re asking on Blind instead of talking to him about it is telling.

Microsoft BoomSauce Jun 30, 2019

Do what I did. Have them over and spend some quality time. It's awkward but you finally realize how much good shit there is to share. Pay for their medical issues too, so you guys havemore years together 👍

Apple magikarp16 Jun 30, 2019

Why can’t you talk to your husband about this?

Amazon dssa2 Jun 30, 2019

Just curious, if the genders were reversed, would you all still be as supportive of the spouse inviting over parents? I am not making assumptions, I am genuinely asking.

E*Trade cbEV72 Jun 30, 2019

It’s symmetrical. Both sides need to support parents .

Netflix OlcD57 Jun 30, 2019

Does it matter? The question is weird. The question is how? You can get/rent a place for them, I don’t think living in one house is wise. But you can afford it if you are in tech , the can come for a few months per year

Netflix OlcD57 Jun 30, 2019

Everyone gave a proper advice here. Immigration is tough

MathWorks woohoo11 Jun 30, 2019

Yeah your husband must deal with it

Paychex wuack Jun 30, 2019

😢💔 same boat

Microsoft peasanton Jun 30, 2019

Call them over for a short duration.. Talk to your husband to see how long works.. If he feels it will be hard.. Then get an airbnb for a month.. Start small..

Oracle deepfake Jun 30, 2019

I hope my (American) kids have the same love for their parents when they’re older as you do for your parents.